School Performs Great Effort for Jog-A-Thon 2018

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

The beginning of December brings to a close the tremendous fundraising effort of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, and what an effort! 

After weeks hustling about asking the generous help of benefactors, the day of the jog-a-thon, November 21st, dawned cool and bright.  Not to leave things to human efforts alone, the whole school assisted at Holy Mass, asking that God would grant them strength and stamina.


Jog-A-Thon 2018 Participants

The sports field revealed the 1/8th mile course, outlined with brightly-colored pennants, waving in the breeze.  An eager mob of children surged onto the grass, chattering with nervous excitement.  The group was gathered together for a photo, and then assembled for a brief word from Fr. McFarland and an invocation to heaven—then began The Charge of the Light Brigade.

After each lap the children collected a rubber band, each one a token of their efforts, another dollar earned, and one step closer to the end.  Many of the families turned out to cheer on their children and hand out much needed cups of water to refresh the marathoners.  The priests and brothers, too, joined in the effort, conspicuous by their black robes, and by their fleet feet.

Having tallied their rubber bands, the runners were treated to a hearty repast of burgers and treats, to restore their failing strength.

The leaders among the students with the most laps were, for the boys: Toby Tuckness, Toby McQuillin, and Vincent de Wit; and for the girls: Emma Wilkerson, Patricia Rosario, Hannah Kohoutek and Leah Larson.

The day of the jog-a-thon was a great success, and we were able to raise $69,544.00!  The top earning students were: Toby Tuckness, Philumena Moynihan, and Colette Gergen.

From the bottom of our hearts we thank you all, dear benefactors, who have made such generous contributions, and you good families, who have worked hard in going out to seek sponsors.  Without your continued support, we could not carry on the sacred mission we have – that of forming the Catholic youth entrusted to our care.  All the children and teachers thank God for His providential care of the school, and we continue to pray for our benefactors.