Thank You for a Successful Academy Fundraiser!

Our Lady of Sorrows Academy is excited to share the successful outcome of this year's fundraiser.

Our Lady of Sorrows Academy would like to thank everyone who supported and attended our 1st Annual Cavaliers' Winter Soirée Fundraiser. On February 10th, 2024, at the Marriott Buttes Resort, the parents, alumni and friends of our Academy enjoyed bidding on all of the exciting items in our silent auction and live auction. Our Academy's principal, Father Pedersen, is happy to announce that our fundraiser was a great success and that we raised more than $93,000, which greatly exceeded our $75,000 fundraising goal. This year, all fundraiser proceeds go directly towards Our Lady of Sorrows Academy's expansion, which starts with the expansion and remodel of our restrooms on campus. The project of building more restrooms is already underway! Soon our more than 150 students will have the facilities they need.
Article by Gabrielle Saurette and photos by Stephanie Riley