Our Children
We accept children from Kindergarten to 12th grade. Each child is the object of individual attention on the part of our staff. We recognize that each child learns differently. Differentiated education is a cherished goal at our school. Resources are in place to support this particular aspect of our program.
Boys and girls wear a simple school uniform and they are taught together in mixed classrooms through highschool - with some comprehensive courses. We do insist upon the necessity of parental cooperation in the education of their children. Home and school are not competing entities, but share the same common goal of developing a healthy Christian mind in a healthy body.
Wonderful Student to Staff Ratio
We have a present enrollment of 97 students. Our staff consists of 16 members. This translates into a wonderful student to staff ratio of 6 to 1. With this extremely favorable situation, special attention is able to be focused not only to those who are struggling, but also to our gifted students.
Our Student's Future
While we do have a high school, some of our upper-academy students have the option of moving to a more focused curriculum offered at boarding schools of the Society of St. Pius X. The girls have options with the Dominican Sisters in Massena, NY or Post Falls, ID. Boys have the ability to attend La Sallette Academy in Illiniois. These challenging, elite programs are met with enthusiasm by the students, and due to their formation, are able to fit in to the new environment quite easily.
Those who stay through the entire curriculum are well-suited for any vocation they choose. Many of our pupils have given themselves to the priestly or religious life, and others have found a fulfilling vocation in the workplace.
Since the founding of Our Lady of Sorrows, many of our students and teachers have gone on to pursue the priesthood and religious life. Currently, two former students are priests, others are discerning an entry, two men have entered the Benedictines in NM, and several ladies are in the SSPX sisters, as well as the sisters of the Consoling Heart in Italy.