Enrollment Forms

You will need to submit the following documents, which you can download here (PDFs):

  • Immunization Record/Personal Beliefs Exemption
  • Physical, including hearing and vision screening, PE/Sports Physical: required for new student and returning students grades 7-12
  • Baptismal Certificate, if applicable
  • First Communion Certificate, if applicable
  • Confirmation Certificate, if applicable 
  • Official Custodial documents, if applicable
  • Medication Authorization
  • Affidavit of Intent: required by the county to be completed, notarized and returned to the school. School must file the ORIGINAL with the county office, so this is the only form that DOES NOT get uploaded to FACTS.

Please follow instructions on our Enrollment & Tuition Mgmt page.
View the 2024-2025 Tuition and Fee Schedule (pdf).