High School Field Trip

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

Goldfield Mine Tour

A variety of activities for the high school: venerating relics, exploring a mining town and Montezuma's well.

The day opened with the drive to St. Anne's Church in Gilbert, in order to venerate the incorrupt heart of St. John Marie Vianney, the Curé of Ars. The high school boys were blessed to have this wonderful opportunity to see this miracle in person, and devoutly pray to this holy parish priest.

After receiving a blessing with the relic, it was reposed, and the boys departed for Superstition Mountain.

The sheer rock face of this promontory overshadows Goldfield, giving a gorgeous backdrop to this reconstructed mining town.  In 1893 a severe storm lead to the exposure of quartz laced with veins of gold.  The rush was on as claims were quickly filed, and a booming production began, attracting a hundreds hoping to strike it rich.

The boys were able to see the methods of mining and the tools used by these intrepid men of old, who spent twelve hours a day drilling away at the ore in almost complete darkness.  None of the boys evinced the inclination to become miners after this exhibit.  A short train ride allowed the group to enjoy the fantastic beauty of Superstition Mountain, so much like a giant’s fortress, feared by the Pima Indians who believed that it was a gate to the underworld.

Academy Girls Explore Montezuma's Well

Meanwhile the upper academy girls trekked north and to Montezuma’s Well, in the Upper Sonoran Desert at 3,600 feet.  This 368ft pool baffles scientists, who cannot find any connection between this and any other water system in the area.  Supposedly, the depths of the well have never been plumbed.

A hike through the area revealed the cliff dwellings of Indian peoples, some of whom were in this area 2000 years ago.  The girls could not approach very close, but did enjoy the beauty of the scenery.  Most of all, they seemed to enjoy the company of one another, noisily chatting away during the entire visit.  Perhaps this fostering of the social virtues was the best part of the trip?