Grade K-2 Experience Schnepf Farms Field Trip

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

The lower grades took a trip to visit Schnepf Farms and learned all about agriculture in a hands-on experience.

Reflecting on the field trip recently taken to Schnepf Farms, by students of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, I was reminded of a quote I once read.  Lynn Schultz, an Old Dominion University Education Instructor stated,

We learn 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we both see and hear, 70% of what we discuss with others, 80% of what we experience personally, and 95% of what we teach to someone else. 

This quote illuminates the importance of field trips in the educational experience…

We learn 80% of what we experience personally.

While learning in the classroom can never be replaced, the field trip can help solidify concepts in the student’s mind, especially those of a more abstract nature.  Too often, concepts only spoken about in the classroom are quickly forgotten, while active participation frequently leads to a lifelong memory.  Field trips may also serve as an enrichment exercise for those who may not have the chance to visit a museum, symphony, or zoo due to economic hardship.  Also, every teacher has experienced a time when the daily routine of studying in the classroom leads to a less than enthusiastic application by the student; they become bored and apathetic.  At these times, a field trip often serves to renew both interest and excitement. The chance to learn in a new and different environment provides the spark that leads to a revitalized class of students who are now fully engaged!


The recent field trip to Schnepf Farms left a lasting impression on the students of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy.  Some learned that they did not want to work with farm animals.  They did not care for the unpredictability, nor the smell, of some of God’s precious animal kingdom.  The children left with a renewed gratitude for farmers and all the food they provide for us.  Most had no idea of the vast size of a farm, nor of all the hard work that running a farm and growing crops entails.  A few days later, it was a delight to hear about the different ways their families prepared the fresh vegetables that were brought home that day.  While some children found the vegetables delectable, others let it be known that they would not mind if they never had them again. A wonderful time was had by all. The words of one student sums it up perfectly--

When I get home, I am going to tell my mom this was the best day of my whole life!