Deo Gratias

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

Mrs. Young's Kindergarten Class 2021-2022

As this school year quickly draws to a close, on behalf of school parents, we would like to thank Our Lady of Sorrows Academy faculty for caring so wonderfully for our children. You are in our prayers and may God bless you.

The school parents give their heartfelt thanks to God for this school year's blessings and challenges and to Our Lady of Sorrows Academy faculty for all the work and effort they have done. We thank Headmaster Father McFarland, Pastor Father Pons, Principal Father Pedersen and Father Kallal for your spiritual guidance, for passing on your expertise in the classes you teach, and for running so many laps at our Jogathon - thus raising lots of money for our school! Thank you Brother Alphonsus and Brother Dismas for keeping the school grounds in order.

There are of course two very essential ladies who are always busily working away at their desks to ensure that our school administration functions properly and remains organized: Secretaries Mrs Monique Taleck and Mrs Sharryl Pryor. Although they probably prefer not to be mentioned, it has to be done. We dare not imagine our school without you.

And we are also grateful for this year's dedicated teachers: Mrs. Katherine Young, Miss Brigid Evans, Miss Amanda Palmeri, Miss Sarah Delmanowski, Miss Margaret Schermann, Miss Bridget Dowd, Miss Caroline Thomet, Miss Mary Palmeri, Miss Natalie Riccomini, Mr. Gregory Williams, Mr. Jeffrey Kalb, Miss Karen Maddeford and Miss Theresa Latz. Thank you for all your energy and patience day in, day out. We hope to see you again next school year. But if God should lead you elsewhere, then please know that we are grateful for the work you have done and that you remain in our and our children's prayers.

Finally, a heartfelt thanks to all the helping hands throughout the school year and during our yearly fundraisers. Sewing classes, choir, coaching baseball, helping teach Kindergarteners read, helping families obtain scholarships, photography, videography, and technical support, organizing hot school lunches, jog-a-thons, spring auctions and yard sales of epic proportions wouldn't be possible without your efforts: Coach Violette, Coach Hall, Coach Henry, Coach Young, Mrs. Monique Evans, Mrs. Rena Violette, Mr. Christopher Taleck, Mrs. Swartz, Mrs. Ellison, Mrs. Adriana Hall, Mrs. Rachel Evans, Mrs. Jamie McQuillin, Mrs. Mary Zapp, Mrs. Olivia Perez, ...
We appreciate the time you so graciously volunteer.

We look forward to a new school year. May God bless you all.