Start of a New School Year

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

The new 2022-2023 school year began Tuesday, August 30th with celebration of sung mass.
Photos courtesy of Stephanie Riley.

To serve as an introduction of the new school year, on the day prior to beginning of classes, an informative parent teacher conference was held at which Father McFarland, headmaster of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, spoke about the importance of a thoroughly Catholic education and about the role of the priest in said education. Father offered valuable advice to parents as can be read more about in his recent article for Angelus Press (July/August 2022): THEOLOGICAL STUDIES:  The Priest and Catholic Education, by Fr. John M. McFarland, SSPX. Father Pedersen, principal of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, went over some administrative changes for the school and important reminders for families. He introduced this year's faculty, in particular the new vice principal, Mr. Gregory Williams. Thereafter, with snacks in hand, parents and faculty mingled, chatted and had an opportunity to get to know eachother.

The following morning, on the official first day of this 2022-2023 school year, there was noticable excitement in the air. This was amplified by this year's significantly larger group of students. As the children found their classrooms and parents snapped photos, one could sense a mix of emotions in this year's significantly larger group of students: nervousness, excitement, hope,...
And as always, the littlest ones stood out the most: This year's Kindergarteners with their bright-eyed chearfulness and maybe even the occasional tear.
After settling in, the school proceeded to the parish to celebrate sung mass together. 

Deo Gratias!