Much Fun at Spring Auction 2020

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

Parishioners mingle at this year's auction (Photography courtesy of Rachel Evans)

Even the excessive heat warning didn't keep parishioners from joining in the fun of this year's Spring Auction before/after Mass.

With refreshments and snacks in hand, people had the chance to mingle with Father McFarland, Father Pedersen, Father Kallal, Brother Alphonsus and Brother Dismas and look at the many wonderful baskets that were up for auction. Before long, single bids turned into bidding wars. Maybe this was the case because Father Kallal had found a megaphone and wasn't shy about using it to encourage higher bid amounts.

In the afternoon, 5-year old Miss Olivia had the honor of pulling the winning ticket of the 50/50 raffle: None other than Father Kallal himself!!

As the silent auction drew to a close and the countdown blared thru the megaphone, the crowd burst into a mild frenzy. But all was well when Brother Alphonsus rang the bell to signal the end of the auction at 1pm.

Thank you to all our wonderful parishioners, priests, religious, the organizers and all helping hands for making this a joyous day!

(Proceeds to be announced)