The Academy's Latest Play

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

Our Lady of Sorrows Upper Academy girls invite you to their play: Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest".

Update: You are now able to view the entire performances of recent years here, thanks to Mr. Taleck's efforts.

Join the Our Lady of Sorrows Academy Drama cast as they present Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest''. The play is a satire in which Wilde pokes fun at the lifestyles of the English upper class. The story centers around two young men who both invent a fictitious, but very useful, relative in order to escape some of their social obligations. The fun begins when they fall in love and their farces end up getting them into a bit of a scrape ... The play, with its colorful characters, such as the controlling and garrulous Aunt or the perpetually pessimistic butler, is sure to provide you with many a laugh, with no shortage of witty lines or nonsensical sayings. Wilde said it best: “It is a trivial comedy for serious people". The play will be held in the Performing Arts Center on June 3rd and 4th at 7:15pm. Admission is free. 


Written by Miss Mariel A., Teacher at Our Lady of Sorrows Academy